Our Events
Our Events
April 23: Cobscook Backyard 50K & 50 Mile Backyard Ultras - Edmunds, ME.
June 4: Cobscook Bay Road Races. Virtual 10K/5K Pembroke. ME. In partnership with Downeast Hospice Volunteers - NEW DAY SUNDAY
October 1: Bad Little Trail Run. 7 mile & 2.5mile. Machias. ME - In partnership with Downeast Coastal Conservancy
October 29: Moosehorn Ghost Run Trail Race. Baring, ME. In partnership with Friends of Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge -
November 12: Bold Coast Bash - Trail Race 10.5mi and 50k ultra . Cutler, ME. Photos
January 1: Cobscook Winter 20K/10K. Pembroke, ME. Start the new year right. Followed by our Bold Coast Runners Annual Meeting. No registration necessary. Start the new year right.
If you can't run, come and help out as a volunteer. Contact us for information.
Plus Weekly Group Runs. See Home page for details.
--------------Trail Ratings-----------------
1= great footing, relatively flat, normally double track / dirt roads eg. Sunrise Trail
2= good footing, some climbs, double track, rough dirt roads eg. Moosehorn Ghost Run course
3= ok footing, trail is runable 90-100% of the time. eg. singletrack trail at Moosehorn Baring/Edmunds.
4= technical footing (roots, rocks, swamps), some hills. Trail well established but tough, eg. Bold Coast trail.
5= very technical single track, hilly to steep climbs & descents, eg: Catherine, Caribou, Black Mountain trails.
Other Nearby Events
(rule of thumb: if it is likely to take more time to drive one way from some arbitrary point somewhere around Machias than to run in the event then it is not listed - so 5K's are not generally included)
*denotes Bold Coast Runners related event
** dates change. Please verify the date carefully with the event itself. Send any corrections to boldcoastrunners@gmail.com
March 5: Lamoine Half Marathon. Lamoine, ME.
March 30: Flattop 5K, Lamoine, ME - 2022 Cancelled
May 7: Bridge the Gap . Bucksport, ME. Road. 10 mile & 3 mile.
April 7: Lorneville Loop 13K. Saint John, NB. Road
May 14-15: Riverlands 100 Trail & Relay. Turner, ME. 100 mile and relay.
May 12: Fredericton Marathon, Half, 10K, 5K, 3K, 1 mile. Road. Fredericton, NB
May 25: Rompin Rockwood Trail. 50K, 25K, 10K. Saint John, NB
*June 1 Cobscook Bay Road Races10K/5K. Road. Pembroke, ME
*June 16: Father's Day 5 Mile. Road. St. Andrews, NB
June 22: Be the Last Fat Ass Standing. 12 hours, 5.5K trail. Woolastock Park, Fredericton, NB
*June 23: Bay of Fundy International Marathon, Half, 52K, 10K. Road. Lubec, ME & Campobello, NB
July 4: Cutler 4th of July 5k. Road. Cutler, ME
July 7: Charles E. Davis 7 Miler. Road. Eastport. ME
July 7: Herring Run Trail 10K/20K, Mascarene, NB
July 13: Stem to Stone: 5K/10K, Gravel. Columbia Falls, ME
July 19/20: Downeast Sunrise Trail Relay, Gravel. 100 mile Relay. Ellsworth to Eastport, ME
August 3: Nordic Trail Festival Presque Isle, ME. 6 hour endurance laps.
August 11: Johnson's International 5 Miler. Road. Calais, ME & St. Stephen, NB.
August 10-11: Marathon by the Sea. Half, 10K, 5K, 4K. Road. Saint John, NB
August 17: Machias Blueberry Run. 5m. Road. Machias, ME
August 17: Downeast Lakes Land Trust Trail Race. Grand Lake Stream, ME.
August 17-19: Great Cranberry 100. Road. Great Cranberry Island, ME
September 8/9: Surry Forest - Blue Hill Heritage Trust 5K/10K Trail Race. Blue Hill, ME.
September 22: Fundy Circuit UltraTrail 50K Alma. NB. SOLD OUT - yes, this is a spectacular course!!!
*October 5: Bad Little Trail Run. 7 mile & 2.5mile. Machias.
October 6: Mactaquac Trail Race 10K, 20K. Trail. Mactaquac Provincial Park, Fredericton. NB
October 12: Race the Cape Ultra Trail Race 5K, 12K, 24K, 48K. Chignecto, NS.
October 20: MDI Marathon, Half. Road. Bar Harbor, ME.
October 27: Great Pond Mountain Conservation Trust Trail Race. Orland, ME.
November 3: Frenchman Bay Conservancy Trail Race. Sullivan, ME.
*October 30: Moosehorn Ghost Run Trail Race. Baring.
November 13: Bold Coast Bash. 10m/20m Trail Race
December 7: Millinocket Marathon, Half. Road. Millinocket, ME
*January 1: Cobscook Winter 20K/10K. Pembroke, ME. No registration necessary. Start the new year right.
Please send info / corrections / links to boldcoastrunners@gmail.com
Another source of running events just north of the border: https://maritimerunner.ca/calendar